
Subbalakshmi Renganathan and Sowmya Venkatachalam | 12:36 | 1 comments

Another variety of spicy vadam/vathal. We can use this vadam flour to make ommapodi or thenkuzhal vadam.

Raw Rice - 4 Cup
Javvarasi(Sago) - 1 Cup
Salt - To Taste
Green Chilli - 10
Hing - 1 tablespoon

Batter Preparation Method:
  • Soak the raw rice in water for 30 minutes.

  • Heat 1 cup of water and when it comes boil, add it to the bowl having Sago(Javvarasi) and close the bowl.
  • After 30 minutes, rinse the rice and strain the water and grind it in grinder or mixer to a nice paste. Take this in a separate vessel.
  • Add the Sago to the mixer and grind it to paste and add this to rice batter and stir well to mix both rice and sago batter.
  • Grind the green chillies, salt and hing to a nice paste and add it to the sago batter.

  • Take heavy bottomed pan or cooker. Heat 1 ratio of water based on the batter and when it starts to boil, take 2 tumbler of water and keep it separately
  • To the remaining boiled water, add the rice-sago batter and stir well
  • Batter should become thick as well as cooked well
  • If needed, we can add the 2 tumbler of water slowly to cook the batter
  • Add salt to the batter and stir well. Salt should be less for vadam because when we dry the vadam and fry it in oil, salt will be more

  • We need to stir the batter well so that it gets tighten up and becomes thicker .
  • When the batter is cooked well, switch off the flame

  • Cool off the batter and we can start making vadams
  • Take a clean white towel and place it in hot sun and take ommapodi mould and thenkuzhal mould. Add 1 handfull of batter to the press and press it to make ommadpodi and thenkuzhal vadam
  • Let the vadam dry in sun. Allow it to dry for 1 day
  • After the vadams are dried completely, we can store it in a tight container and fry it when we require

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